
Podcasting for Business

On-Air Charisma: Are You A Rockstar or a Wingman?

Published about 1 month ago • 6 min read

Are You A Rockstar or a Wingman?

Have you noticed how some people have a natural magnetism that draws others in? That is charisma, and there are two types: natural and learned.

Even if you aren’t born with the kind of personality that makes you want to get in front of people and shine, you can learn and develop a type of charisma that will help you podcast and your business thrive.

At Podcasting for Business, we call those born with charisma the Rockstars. And for those who learn it, they are the Wingmen.

Rockstars are the main draw of the podcast. You listen to a rockstar content creator for the same reason you’d go to see a rock concert. Them just being them is enough. Think about podcasts where you don’t really care who the host is talking to - you just want to spend some time with them.

The wingman is a quiet hero who excels at making other people look like Rockstars. For example, on a podcast, the guest becomes the center of the podcast in an interview format, and if a wingman does a solo episode, then he or she makes sure every piece of content lifts up the audience and helps them to achieve their goals.

Rather than being in the spotlight like the Rockstar, the Wingman is the one shining the spotlight.

And of course Wingman to Rockstar is a spectrum, not a binary - people can fall all along the scale, and have elements of both categories.

But when you figure out your charisma type, you can make sure you’re podcasting in a way that plays to that particular strength, and see more success achieving your goals with it.

Rockstars are going to do fabulously with Thought Leadership, Audience Engagement and Conversion Podcasts.

Wingman will shine in Relationship Building, Audience Engagement and Content shows.

What Does The Data Tell Us?

Are the top 100 Podcasts composed of Rockstars or Wingmen?

We don’t do a host-by host analysis on this basis - but we do look at episode formats - how the show is hosted, and by whom.

This is a rough heuristic for Charisma because unless a host’s personality is dialed into the format, it’s highly unlikely to top the charts.

Here is the show format breakdown from our report:

Interview shows make up the highest percentage of the top 100 podcasts, and while an interview style podcast is going to be a perfect fit for a Wingman - a lot of Rockstars do them as well. You will notice when you listen, however, that Rockstar hosted interview shows are more conversational and less interviewish.

Solo shows are more the natural ground of Rockstars - but like in interview shows, Wingmen can excel here as well if they really focus on teaching content.

Alternating episode types can be a wonderful way for a podcaster with one charisma type to get the best of both worlds, and achieve business goals while playing to their hosting strength.

As with most podcast-related things - there aren’t really right or wrong answers, just ways to make it easier or harder on yourself.

So figure out your charisma style, and make things easier on yourself!

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On the one hand it’s great because you’re getting huge value out of some of the work you’re doing…. but which part?

That’s the rub and trying to answer that question is the work of entire industries and an important activity for business owners and marketing managers evaluating what they and their teams spend time on.

It’s one of the reasons we developed the Business Podcast Blueprints - so it would be easier to see what work was creating what results to facilitate strategic decision making. I remember when we first started One Stone Creative, and I was another one of those marketers who just kind of threw up her hands and said: it’s going to work but we don’t exactly know why.

It was only through years of experimentation, data collection and analysis that we started to see the patterns that let us codify the Blueprints into tools that could be used proactively to get specific business outcomes and the attendant clarity—from podcasting.

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My guest today is Shannon Hernandez, the creator of the Joyful Business Revolution.

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If you want to step up your content creation game and learn more about the power of email, listen to or read the episode right here!

Attention Authors!

One Stone Creative has partnered with The Podwize Group to create something really special for authors.

The Six and Six Podcast for Authors is a 6-episode podcast season paired with 6 guest appearances where you are the expert on other shows, all talking about your book and your business.

It’s a fabulous deal, and might be the perfect tool to help you launch, or renew interest in your non-fiction book!

Check out the details here! You could have a new, audience-nurturing podcast and the guest placements to support it in just a few weeks!

Upcoming Events

When you start podcasting as a marketing channel for your business, you’re often not coming from a background where your voice is seen as a tool that needs to be cared for – but it is, and you should make it a priority. It’s not just about how you sound in your recordings – it’s about preventing vocal strain, improving the longevity of your voice, and having more control over how you sound.

What you’ll learn:

  • Voice care is self care – 1 necessary mindset shift
  • Voice Triage is a band-aid – strategies to soothe & improve recovery
  • Actionable tips for preparing your voice to interview & record with ease

Followed, of course, by Q and A and networking!

I hope we’ll see you there! Click here to be automatically registered!

It's going to be an awesome call.

Do This Now

Want to take one action to make a difference in your show and how well it’s working for you? It’ll only take 5 minutes.

Are you playing to your strengths as a podcast host - and are you using a Blueprint that lets you make the most of them?

Spend a couple of minutes today thinking about whether you prefer to be the source of authority and inspiration for your clients, or if you take more joy in supporting and highlighting them.

Then think about whether you have structured your podcast in a way that lets you do that the most easily. If you are a rockstar exclusively doing interviews, throw some solo’s into the mix! (You will notice an uptick in downloads for those episodes - I can practically guarantee it!)

If you’re a Wingman who is struggling in the spotlight, give yourself a rest and do what you d best on your next recording - make someone else look and feel fantastic.

It’ll probably make your next recording a little more fun.

Are you a Rockstar or a Wingman? Hit reply and let me know!

All the best,

Megan Dougherty
and the rest of the team
at Podcasting for Business by One Stone Creative

PS. Do you have an idea, strategy, case study or use case for podcasting in support of a business that you'd like to share on The Company Show? Then let's talk! Hit reply to this email and tell me your idea!

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Podcasting for Business

Strategy, data, insights and process improvements for when podcasting is jut *part* of the job.

We're sharing data and analyses from our annual research report, ideas from the experts we feature on our podcast and events, and case studies of how businesses are leveraging podcasts to grow.

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