
Podcasting for Business

Strategy, data, insights and process improvements for when podcasting is jut *part* of the job.

We're sharing data and analyses from our annual research report, ideas from the experts we feature on our podcast and events, and case studies of how businesses are leveraging podcasts to grow.

Do You Really Want A Sponsor?

Do You Really Want A Sponsor? If I had a dollar for every time I heard a business owner talking about why they wanted to get a sponsor for their podcast, I’d never need a sponsor for mine. But I don’t think I’d ever take one. Often, I hear that a business owner with a podcast wants a podcast to help cover the costs of producing it - but to my way of thinking: that math doesn’t often work out. Picture this: You invest a significant amount of time and money in a recording setup and content...
2 days ago • 5 min read

Good Reasons for Podcast Seasons

Good Reasons for Podcast Seasons When you’re starting to look at podcasting as a marketing strategy, it can be an intimidating prospect. A weekly release cadence is the most common frequency, and for many companies strikes a good balance between the amount of work involved for you and your team members (or the price, if you’re working with a producer) and the benefits you’ll be getting from the show. All things being equal, if you can manage a weekly cadence, this should be the option you...
16 days ago • 4 min read

On-Air Charisma: Are You A Rockstar or a Wingman?

Are You A Rockstar or a Wingman? Have you noticed how some people have a natural magnetism that draws others in? That is charisma, and there are two types: natural and learned. Even if you aren’t born with the kind of personality that makes you want to get in front of people and shine, you can learn and develop a type of charisma that will help you podcast and your business thrive. At Podcasting for Business, we call those born with charisma the Rockstars. And for those who learn it, they are...
30 days ago • 6 min read

The Biggest Podcasting Investment You’re Likely To Make

The Biggest Podcasting Investment You’re Likely To Make Podcasting is a lot of work. And it’s a lot of different kinds of work. It’s content creation and project management and audio engineering and marketing and promotion, and liaising and writing and analysis and I could go on. But I won’t because today we’re talking about working with people who can help. And unless you’re wildly overburdened with free time and possessed of a desire to learn a variety of new and highly specific skills,...
about 1 month ago • 6 min read

How Much Editing Does Your Podcast Need?

It's Not *If* You Make The Investment in Editing... It's when, and how much. I was never what you'd call an 'audio person.' I don’t have a background in it, I have no official training in it, and before I started running a podcast production agency, I never thought about it that much. Note: The woman I started One Stone Creative with is and was a dyed-in-the-wool audio person - that’s why this gig works so well. ;-) But for me? A little echo, a little distortion, a little background noise?...
about 2 months ago • 8 min read

Are Your Podcast and Business Goals in Conflict?

Podcast and Business Goals Don't Always Mesh And it's usually because of using the wrong episode format. There’s nothing quite like talking shop with another business podcast producer. First you compare tech stacks, and complain about how Google is getting rid of their podcast player, then you maybe gloat a little about a recent client success and pass some tips back and forth, but before long comes the traditional Venting Of The Frustrations. A recent conversation with a colleague unearthed...
2 months ago • 8 min read

Relationships and ROI in Podcasting

Relationships and ROI in Podcasting When you hear the word relationship, the next word that comes to mind probably isn’t ROI. And it probably shouldn’t be. ;-) In the podcasting industry, you hear a great deal about different types of relationships - the one you have with your audience, with your guests, and with other podcasters and service providers. In the parts of the industry that focus on building a show to monetize, or creating podcasts as passion projects, it’s easy to talk about...
3 months ago • 8 min read

Why are you podcasting for your business?

Why do we Podcast? When you podcast as a passion project, you need to have a why that keeps you going.When you podcast with the intent of turning it into a business, you need a plan to generate income to support the work.When you podcast in support of your existing business you need... well, it depends on your business. But whatever your business is, and however your show supports it, you need to know that what you are doing is working. So the question you should be asking, Reader, is: what...
3 months ago • 5 min read

We're sharing data and analyses from our annual research report, ideas from the experts we feature on our podcast and events, and case studies of how businesses are leveraging podcasts to grow.

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